Sunday, March 21, 2010

how to treat water?

hi guys! last entries from our blog were all about pollutions..Starting from this entries we would like to share about the technologies used in order to treat the pollutions..Water, the pollution that very critical as water is source of healthy life...these days people care about healthy life and a few technologies had been updated in order to fulfill the demanding of life..

Singapore is a country with lack of water order to reuse back the water, the country had developed newater technology which is the waste water especially from housing area is treated back and then discharge back to the river..the technology is quite expensive and produce high quality of water...

In order to minimize the usage of water, a few country had been cut down the consumption of water supply such as a few countryside in US had been regulate that owner of the car can only wash their car every three months and the data were recorded.. From a few examples shown, it showed that the source of clean water supply is very critical and human are responsible to fix the condition back to the normal