Monday, February 22, 2010

sOiL pOllutiOn...

Soil pollution comprises the pollution of soils with materials, mostly chemicals, that are out of place or are present at concentrations higher than normal which may have adverse effects on humans or other organisms.

It is difficult to define soil pollution exactly because different opinions exist on how to characterize a pollutant; while some consider the use of pesticides acceptable if their effect does not exceed the intended result, others do not consider any use of pesticides or even chemical fertilizers acceptable.

However, soil pollution is also caused by means other than the direct addition of xenobiotic (man-made) chemicals such as agricultural runoff waters, industrial waste materials, acidic precipitates, and radioactive fallout.

The factors that how soil can be polluted.

The others example of soil pollution that totally effected to human and also nature..

Not only humans, animals also got effect caused of the soil pollution.

Open our eyes and see how serious of soil pollution to our life...Ask ourselfs do we want live in environment like that??? Started from now loved our nature as we love ourselves!!!