Sunday, January 31, 2010

People, let's change!!

Environmental issues are issues that never ends. This will keep continue into generations as nowadays, awareness about these issues is still low...From our observation, people care about health but not the environment...For example, they will make sure their cars or house keep clean but in other ways they just throw rubbish outside their cars or house not in proper ways...and although there were dustbin nearer, they prefer just throw away the rubbish everywhere..The generations that seen this might be follow this manner from their parents and will keep continue to other generations..As a parents, former education is important for their children about taking care for the environment...

Other than that, there also an issues about the uses of paper reload for cell phone...Let imagine if the reload paper is collected, and see at the end of month, how many kilos can be collected...and also receipt for bank..All of these might seen as small matter, but just think the impact of these..If we practice recycling, this all might be change as these papers might be change to other products and trees cutting can be reduce..

All these issues can be solve but it will depends on the human manners and civic consciousness.. The question is why its hard for people to take serious about the issues? Is there need to happened something to themselves then they can change thoroughly?? Is there were no tree left then they only worried about these?