Friday, February 19, 2010

wAtEr pOlluTioN..

Another environmental problem is river water pollution. This is caused by the discharge of domestic sewage, pollutants from agro-based industries/farming, run-offs from earthworks and land clearing and effluent discharge from manufacturing activities. In terms of organic water pollution, human and animal wastes largely from piggeries and agro-based industries are the primary sources.

Water pollution is the next most important environmental complaints after air pollution. 363(10%) complaints were received in 2004. Efforts to reduce and control the discharge of waste water from the domestic sector focused on upgrading existing and building new sewerage treatment plants. Discharges of untreated sewage have contaminated the nation’s water; the most heavily polluted areas are along the West coast. Malaysia’s water pollution problem also extends to its river, of which 40% are polluted. The nation has 580 cu km of water with 76% used for farming and 13% used for industrial activity. Malaysia’s cities produce an average of 1.5 million tons of solid waste per year.